2000+ Uniue Quotes & Sayings

Liberals will continue to put forward positive solutions that will help our economy grow and give all Canadians a real and fair chance at success.

Justin Trudeau

Canada's extraordinary success is that we have bound together a vast country with a set of shared ideas and beliefs.

Justin Trudeau

I'm proud to be a feminist because making sure that everyone understands we all have a role in fighting for equality is the only way to move forward.

Justin Trudeau

Gender equality is not only an issue for women and girls.

Justin Trudeau

If you're a progressive, you really should be a feminist because it's about equality, it's about respect, it's about making the best of the world that we have.

Justin Trudeau

I think people understand that if you're going to have a successful economy, you need people's potential to be realized. That means education. It means university education, sure, but it also means training, apprenticeships and various kinds of skills diplomas that we know are necessary.

Justin Trudeau

Openness, respect, integrity - these are principles that need to underpin pretty much every other decision that you make.

Justin Trudeau

Canada was built around a very simple premise. A promise that you can work hard and succeed and build a future for yourselves and your kids, and that future for your kids would be better than the one you had.

Justin Trudeau

I know and I've always felt for Canada that we recognize that diversity is a great source of strength.

Justin Trudeau

We need to make sure we're all working together to change mindsets, to change attitudes, and to fight against the bad habits that we have as a society.

Justin Trudeau

We have created a society where individual rights and freedoms, compassion and diversity are core to our citizenship. But underlying that idea of Canada is the promise that we all have a chance to build a better life for ourselves and our children.

Justin Trudeau

You can't run a government from one single person. What instead matters is that leadership be about gathering around extraordinary individuals and getting the best out of them.

Justin Trudeau

Throughout our history, Canada's immigration policy has brought people here who had a pathway to citizenship. They were - and are - nation builders. It has been supported by political parties of all stripes and promoted by successive governments over generations.

Justin Trudeau

CBC has a very important mandate to bind Canada together in both official languages, tell local stories, and make sure we have a sense of our strength, our culture, our stories.

Justin Trudeau

My mom has always been so generous and so sensitive and so vulnerable and yet exudes so much strength.

Justin Trudeau

If we wander around as politicians jumping at every shadow and desperately afraid of having our words taken out of context or attacks layered on in an unfair way, I think we're actually doing a disrespect to Canadians, to people's intelligence.

Justin Trudeau

Leadership is inspiring extraordinary people to step up and serve their country.

Justin Trudeau

Some people have come to admire Stephen Harper's style because he's standing at the top of the pyramid - that's not leadership to me.

Justin Trudeau

Nobody knows better than I do what the pressures of party leadership can do to a young family. It tore mine apart.

Justin Trudeau

My father's values and vision of this country obviously form everything I have as values and ideals. But this is not the ghost of my father running for the leadership of the Liberal party. This is me.

Justin Trudeau

For me, being able to engage with the details when necessary, when there's a challenge, when there's a particularly important pivot, yes, you have to do that. But in general, a leader needs to trust their commanders, needs to trust the team they've assembled, to actually execute in the right way.

Justin Trudeau

I think Canadians want to get a feel for the people who will serve them... and, for me, I think that Canadians will trust people who trust them.

Justin Trudeau

I trust Canadians' capacity to determine who will sit in their Parliament.

Justin Trudeau

I trust Canadians to be able to look at the different parties, the different leaders, the plans, the teams, and make a responsible choice. And I'm very, very confident that's exactly what Canadians are going to do.

Justin Trudeau

Vancouver is home. I spent a huge amount of time here as a kid growing up with my mom, with my grandparents who lived here.

Justin Trudeau

I was a high-school teacher. I am a strong advocate for women's rights, and I'm not a woman.

Justin Trudeau

I became a high school teacher for many years because it was a very tangible, concrete way where I could make a difference, and quite frankly, the kids didn't care who my father had been, because it was late '90s; none of them were around or remembered my father.

Justin Trudeau

I am a teacher. It's how I define myself. A good teacher isn't someone who gives the answers out to their kids but is understanding of needs and challenges and gives tools to help other people succeed. That's the way I see myself, so whatever it is that I will do eventually after politics, it'll have to do a lot with teaching.

Justin Trudeau

It's always easy to look at either the politics of division or fear as effective tools in politics, but ultimately, even though they can be effective tools to help you get elected, they hinder your ability to actually get the job of building a better future for this country, for this community, done.

Justin Trudeau

Any time you have a competitive situation like politics is, there are winners, and there are people who don't win, and their supporters can sometimes be very emotional.

Justin Trudeau

Once Canadians no longer believe that there is any good in politics, they no longer feel we can work together to solve the challenges we're facing, and that is my fundamental motivation: how do we work together as a country to solve the big challenges we're facing.

Justin Trudeau

When my dad left public life, I was 13 years old. I went through my teen years and into adulthood in relative anonymity. After my dad's funeral, I was suddenly recognizable to people I passed on the street.

Justin Trudeau

One of the jokes among our family was that whenever Dad went to the movies, he insisted on getting his senior citizen's discount. It was laughable to view him as a traditional senior citizen; he was one of the most robust people I ever knew. Until, very suddenly, he wasn't.

Justin Trudeau

I have spent an awful lot of time listening to Canadians, learning from them, working with them.

Justin Trudeau

We're investing billions of dollars in housing, in home care on the medical side. We're investing billions of dollars in public transit that is not just creating good jobs now but is going to help people get to and from their good jobs in more reliable ways.

Justin Trudeau

A very powerful mechanism to get elected is to play on anger and pick those wedge issues.

Justin Trudeau

Much more a skiing family than a hockey family, my dad wasn't a big fan of the arenas early in the morning on the weekends.

Justin Trudeau

Parents are the centre of a person's solar system, even as an adult. My dad had a stronger gravitational pull than most, so his absence was bound to leave a deep and lasting void.

Justin Trudeau

Details create the big picture.

Sanford I. Weill

From the business point of view, always encouraging the people in our company to own stock in the company, and if we're going to build something great, to have a lot of people share in the benefits of that greatness.

Sanford I. Weill

I think we are a product of all our experiences.

Sanford I. Weill

One of the people that I respect the most now, a person I think has done a heck of a lot for this world as a leader, is Margaret Thatcher. She helped create a world that offers us a lot of excitement as we look to the next century.

Sanford I. Weill

I remember the mentoring experiences of some teachers that I had, like a second term home room teacher in public school that really was very helpful to me.

Sanford I. Weill

The more we can do to create a better society, that benefits more people, the better chance we have that our society will continue to grow and prosper.

Sanford I. Weill

If we want girls to receive positive reinforcement for early acts of leadership, let's discourage bossy behavior along with banning bossy labels. That means teaching girls to engage in behaviors that earn admiration before they assert their authority.

Adam Grant

The more important argument against grade curves is that they create an atmosphere that's toxic by pitting students against one another. At best, it creates a hypercompetitive culture, and at worst, it sends students the message that the world is a zero-sum game: Your success means my failure.

Adam Grant

The mark of higher education isn't the knowledge you accumulate in your head. It's the skills you gain about how to learn.

Adam Grant

The culture of a workplace - an organization's values, norms and practices - has a huge impact on our happiness and success.

Adam Grant

Productive givers focus on acting in the long-term best interests of others, even if it's not pleasant. They have the courage to give the critical feedback we prefer not to hear, but truly need to hear. They offer tough love, knowing that we might like them less, but we'll come to trust and respect them more.

Adam Grant

When takers talk about mistakes, they're usually quick to place the blame on other people. Givers are more likely to say 'Here's the mistake I made; I learned the following from it. Here are the steps I'm taking to make sure I don't let people down in the future.'

Adam Grant