Anger - Quotes & Sayings

Words, especially when yelled in anger, can be very damaging to a child's self-confidence. The child probably already feels bad enough just from seeing the consequences of his or her behavior. Our sons and daughters don't need more guilt and self-doubt heaped upon their already wounded egos.

Jack Canfield

Anger is the most impotent of passions. It effects nothing it goes about, and hurts the one who is possessed by it more than the one against whom it is directed.

Carl Sandburg

Pundits talk about 'populist rage' as a way to trivialize the anger and fear coursing through the middle class.

Elizabeth Warren

I want roles without anger and feistiness. I want to show weakness and sadness, some love, some happiness.

Marlee Matlin

Democracies are slow to anger and hesitant to go to war: Voters don't want to sacrifice their children for the glory of a selfish king.

Michio Kaku

Chekhov was capable of casually tossing off deplorable comments in his letters, combined with a very modern anger against anti-Semitism.

Tom Stoppard

What the media misses is the amount of anger that's out there. Trump didn't create that.

Stephen Bannon

Caregiving requires the intention of love, caretaking requires the intention of fear. Not acting in anger when you are angry requires the intention of love.

Gary Zukav

In high school I dated a white woman. She would come to visit me on the rez. And her dad, who was very racist, didn't like that at all. And he told her one time, 'You shouldn't go on the rez if you're white because Indians have a lot of anger in their heart.'

Sherman Alexie

President Obama clearly cannot run on his record. All he's offering is more of the same. That's not good. Look at the economy. It's stagnating. And so, what they're now going to try and do is bring this campaign down to little things, distractions, distortions, smear, fear, anger, frustration.

Paul Ryan

Anger is a good motivator.

James Dyson

I think that Scottish people, like Canadians, are often misunderstood and what I like about my Scottish friends and relatives is how quickly it can go from love to anger. It's a great dynamic.

Mike Myers

One of the interesting things about comedy is it's tension release, and nothing creates tension faster than anger.

Lewis Black

I have now been married to my third husband for more than 20 years. But when you've had children with someone you're divorced from, divorce defines everything; it's the lurking fact, a slice of anger in the pie of your brain.

Nora Ephron

One good thing I'd like to say about divorce is that it sometimes makes it possible for you to be a much better wife to your next husband because you have a place for your anger - it's not directed at the person you're currently with.

Nora Ephron

I understand Tea Partyers' anger with the system, but they are in way over their heads and often racially motivated, and I can't be part of that.

Zach Galifianakis

As you get older, you see the world at a different angle, maybe more cynically, but I just bury my anger.

Zach Galifianakis

As I got older and started moving up the ranking, the matches got more important, and my emotions ratcheted up. I guess I hid my real feelings behind the anger.

John McEnroe

When you hold on to anger and unforgiveness, you can't move forward.

Mary J. Blige

When anyone arouses my anger, I will immediately pray for them and regain my peace of soul.

Mother Angelica

I have been to anger management twice. After the first session the lady was like, 'Baby, you don't seem that angry at all. You seem like a really nice guy.'

Kid Rock

He took over anger to intimidate subordinates, and in time anger took over him.

Milan Kundera

There is nothing that so much gratifies an ill tongue as when it finds an angry heart.

Thomas Fuller

Anger is one of the sinews of the soul.

Thomas Fuller

I've learned that football sometimes was an outlet. It was a way for me to release anger, release frustration.

Emmitt Smith

Growing up in a particular neighborhood, growing up in a working-class family, not having much money, all of those things fire you and can give you an edge, can give you an anger.

Gary Oldman

My passion and energy get mistaken for anger.

Gary Oldman

I drank for about 25 years getting over the loss of my father and I took the anger out on myself. I did a good job at beating myself up at sometimes. I don't drink anymore but my alcoholic head occasionally says different. 'Nil By Mouth' was a love letter to my father because I needed to resolve some issues in order to be able to forgive him.

Gary Oldman

I'm very much aware of the dangers of becoming a cliche. Mr. Anger, someone who gets meaner, angrier on record.

Trent Reznor

Allowing children to show their guilt, show their grief, show their anger, takes the sting out of the situation.

Martha Beck

Anger elicits anger, fear elicits fear, no matter how well meaning we may be.

Martha Beck

I've had enough of the blowhards on cable TV and the self-righteous anger I hear from people whose only accomplishment in life is their ability to turn the dial on an AM radio.

James Carville

Every now and then, when I think about it, I think, 'What would I even talk about onstage?' It's never been, 'I wonder if I'm funny. I wonder if I can come up with jokes.' It's more, 'What would it be like without the leather suit and the anger?'

Eddie Murphy

An angry people cannot create anything that is not imbued with anger.

John McAfee

I had a lot of anger because I wasn't happy with the way I had been raised.

Patrick Swayze

When daughters react with annoyance or even anger at the smallest, seemingly innocent remarks, mothers get the feeling that talking to their daughters can be like walking on eggshells: they have to watch every word.

Deborah Tannen

Conversations with sisters can spark extremes of anger or extremes of love. Everything said between sisters carries meaning not only from what was just said but from all the conversations that came before - and 'before' can span a lifetime. The layers of meaning combine profound connection with equally profound competition.

Deborah Tannen

Those at the top would do better with a smaller share of a booming economy that elicits a positive politics than they will do with an ever-larger share of an anemic economy that fuels the politics of anger.

Robert Reich

I've become a lot more tolerant; I think before I talk. I can take a lot now. I don't get as angry as I used to. Whenever I do, I channel my anger into my work.

Anurag Kashyap

It is typical of women to fester and ferment over disappointments, slights, annoyances, angers, etc.

Laura Schlessinger

There's a lot of anger in the Twitter-verse, as I've discovered. But there's a lot of love.

Joss Whedon

Sympathy is something that shouldn't be bestowed upon the Yankees. Apparently it angers them.

Bob Feller

In many ways, anger is a misdirected plea for love.

Karen Salmansohn

Often, overeating is a way to punish yourself for the anger and resentment you're feeling - either at yourself or someone else.

Karen Salmansohn

Basically, it's in your best mental interest to release your anger so you can see the world more clearly around you and seek better solutions for finding the happy, love-filled life you desire and deserve.

Karen Salmansohn

When terrorism strikes, divisive anger is a natural response.

Mohsin Hamid

Remember, if you want to love your life and live it to the fullest, don't let the sun go down on your anger. If you don't have a solution to the issue, agree to disagree and focus on the importance of the relationship.

Victoria Osteen

Our government is printing money, and it's degrading the living standard of every person in America. It's the cause of frustration, anger, and confusion.

Steve Wynn

Psychologists, for reasons of clinical necessity or vagaries of temperament, have chosen to dissect and catalog the morbid emotions - depression, anger, anxiety - and to leave largely unexamined the more vital, positive ones.

Kay Redfield Jamison

It's easy to make a cue last a lifetime. Don't boil it or freeze it in the trunk of a car. Don't lean it against a wall for years. If you lose a game to a complete idiot, hit the edge of the table in anger with something other than your cue.

Robert Byrne