Marianne Williamson's Quotes

Your relationship to food is but a reflection of your relationship to yourself, as is everything in your life.

Marianne Williamson

Movies can be instruments of enlightenment.

Marianne Williamson

The mortal mind alone cannot devise an answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, because the true answer lies on a level of consciousness that's beyond our mortal thinking. Quite simply, when it comes to Israel and the Palestinians, we need a miracle.

Marianne Williamson

The ego mind both professes its desire for love and does everything possible to repel it, or if it gets here anyway, to sabotage it. That is why dealing with issues like control, anger, and neediness is the most important work in preparing ourselves for love.

Marianne Williamson

We live in a world of constant juxtaposition between joy that's possible and pain that's all too common. We hope for love and success and abundance, but we never quite forget that there is always lurking the possibility of disaster.

Marianne Williamson

Hope lies in having more faith in the power of God to heal us than in the power of anything to hurt or destroy us. In realizing that as children of God we are bigger than our problems, we have the power at last to confront them.

Marianne Williamson

There's no reason to think that you'll be capable of loyalty to a diet until you address your basic disloyalty toward yourself.

Marianne Williamson

Human civilization as we know it is like the Titanic headed for the iceberg, whether the iceberg be nuclear, environmental or terrorism-related.

Marianne Williamson