Friedrich Nietzsche's Quotes

Stupid as a man, say the women: cowardly as a woman, say the men. Stupidity in a woman is unwomanly.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Genteel women suppose that those things do not really exist about which it is impossible to talk in polite company.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow.

Friedrich Nietzsche

In music the passions enjoy themselves.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Undeserved praise causes more pangs of conscience later than undeserved blame, but probably only for this reason, that our power of judgment are more completely exposed by being over praised than by being unjustly underestimated.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The world itself is the will to power - and nothing else! And you yourself are the will to power - and nothing else!

Friedrich Nietzsche

There are people who want to make men's lives more difficult for no other reason than the chance it provides them afterwards to offer their prescription for alleviating life; their Christianity, for instance.

Friedrich Nietzsche

When a hundred men stand together, each of them loses his mind and gets another one.

Friedrich Nietzsche

On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.

Friedrich Nietzsche

There are no facts, only interpretations.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.

Friedrich Nietzsche

In the consciousness of the truth he has perceived, man now sees everywhere only the awfulness or the absurdity of existence and loathing seizes him.

Friedrich Nietzsche

We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh.

Friedrich Nietzsche

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh.

Friedrich Nietzsche

All truth is simple... is that not doubly a lie?

Friedrich Nietzsche

Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute truth.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Nothing is beautiful, only man: on this piece of naivete rests all aesthetics, it is the first truth of aesthetics. Let us immediately add its second: nothing is ugly but degenerate man - the domain of aesthetic judgment is therewith defined.

Friedrich Nietzsche

It is good to express a thing twice right at the outset and so to give it a right foot and also a left one. Truth can surely stand on one leg, but with two it will be able to walk and get around.

Friedrich Nietzsche

All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses.

Friedrich Nietzsche

One may sometimes tell a lie, but the grimace that accompanies it tells the truth.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Mystical explanations are thought to be deep; the truth is that they are not even shallow.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Not when truth is dirty, but when it is shallow, does the enlightened man dislike to wade into its waters.

Friedrich Nietzsche

There are various eyes. Even the Sphinx has eyes: and as a result there are various truths, and as a result there is no truth.

Friedrich Nietzsche

He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The doer alone learneth.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.

Friedrich Nietzsche

A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Faith: not wanting to know what is true.

Friedrich Nietzsche

An artist has no home in Europe except in Paris.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Art is the proper task of life.

Friedrich Nietzsche

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Without music, life would be a mistake.

Friedrich Nietzsche

When one has not had a good father, one must create one.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Whoever does not have a good father should procure one.

Friedrich Nietzsche