Robert Kennedy's Quotes

We must continue to prove to the world that we can provide a rising standard of living for all men without loss of civil rights or human dignity to any man.

Robert Kennedy

The tyranny of Communism is as old as the Pharaohs and the Pyramids - that the State stands above all men and their individual aspirations.

Robert Kennedy

Automation provides us with wondrous increases of production and information, but does it tell us what to do with the men the machines displace? Modern industry gives us the capacity for unparalleled wealth - but where is our capacity to make that wealth meaningful to the poor of every nation?

Robert Kennedy

The fact that free men persist in the search for the truth is the essential difference between Communism and Democracy.

Robert Kennedy

Yesterday, we fought wars which destroyed cities. Today, we are concerned with avoiding a war which will destroy the earth. We can adapt atomic energy to produce electricity and move ships, but can we control its use in anger?

Robert Kennedy

If I get to be president, what can I do anyway? With Congress and the press, what chance do I have to make basic changes?

Robert Kennedy

Communism counts its opportunities in terms of decades - not of weeks. Its means of aggression consist not only of nuclear weapons and missiles with enormous boosters, and not only of spies, agents and terrorists, but of great masses of men and women, deluded by a common ideology which inspires them with a false hope.

Robert Kennedy

In the long run, a flexible sentencing procedure which works to rehabilitate offenders offers the best hope in the majority of cases in the Federal courts.

Robert Kennedy

The world of sports knows no religious, racial or political differences. Athletes, from whatever land they come, speak the same language. The lessons of competition are lessons for life.

Robert Kennedy

I come from a family that has always emphasized and enjoyed sports - golf, tennis, football, baseball and the rest.

Robert Kennedy