Diet - Quotes & Sayings

The benefits of a healthier diet are far-reaching because they also equate to fewer animals being bred into inhumane factory farm conditions and fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

Michael Greger

One of the reasons it's so difficult to study the relationship between diet and disease is because many dietary behaviors are associated with non-dietary behaviors.

Michael Greger

Eating a varied plant-based diet - and avoiding all meat, fish, chicken and dairy products - may have much to recommend it, but it's certainly not for everyone.

Michael Greger

After following more than 60,000 people for more than a dozen years, University of Oxford researchers found those who consume a plant-based diet were less likely to develop all forms of cancer combined.

Michael Greger

I think cooking is really key because it's the only way you're going to take back control of your diet from the corporations who want to cook for us. The fact is, so far, corporations don't cook that well. They tend to use too much salt, fat, and sugar - much more than you would ever use at home.

Michael Pollan

Mam was always saying we had a simple diet: tea and bread, bread and tea, a liquid and a solid, a balanced diet - what more do you need? Nobody got fat.

Frank McCourt

The key is to master a few simple ways to exercise that will burn the most calories in the least time. And you also need to figure out how can you eat more of the good stuff and less of the bad stuff without feeling deprived so your diet regimen feels manageable.

Jillian Michaels

My diet has definitely become greener; however, I am a big proponent of everything in moderation. I enjoy having a farm-to-table dinner, as well as indulging in a special, decadent treat on occasion.

Ivanka Trump

When I go and work with people, I never say, 'Your dog is changed for the rest of its life.' It's like a diet. You've got to maintain a discipline and ritual in your life to keep a certain figure.

Cesar Millan

I try to eat fruit and veggies and meat and all the different categories and have a well rounded diet.

Andrew Luck

Environmental concern is a little like dieting or paying off credit-card debt - an episodically terrific idea that burns brightly and then seems to fade when we realize there's a reason we need to diet or pay down our debt. The reason is that it's really, really hard, and too many of us in too many spheres of life choose the easy over the hard.

Jon Meacham

I try to not be too hard on myself regarding my diet. I've always been a workout-to-eat kind of a girl.

Jennie Finch

I try to not be too hard on myself regarding my diet. I've always been a workout-to-eat kind of a girl. I like to eat, to say the least.

Jennie Finch

It's one thing to lose weight, but it's another thing to eat healthy.

Jennifer Hudson

For so many years, I felt so insecure, so inferior, and I still have those moments, but I have a newfound confidence since I got in shape and changed my diet.

Marc Jacobs

Even today with the public's growing interest in food and diet issues, politicians rarely include food as part of their political platforms.

Jose Andres

For me, it's all about moderation. I don't kick things out of my diet, like carbs. But I'm not going to eat fast food.

Bobby Flay

The diet for climbing all the time isn't really different from the diet for living. It's not like cardio sports where you're burning a bajillion calories every day.

Alex Honnold

I'm kind of like a middle mix between a warrior diet and a Paleo diet, so I only eat once a day and it's at night - so kind of like interval fasting. But I eat until I'm full, I eat as much as I want, and I really don't eat anything that you couldn't find, you know, 10,000 years ago.

Ronda Rousey

I go mainly by the Dolce diet. It is a little hard to describe: it's not really a diet but more of a lifestyle. I eat throughout the day; I have three meals and two snacks, and it changes according to what I need at the time.

Ronda Rousey

I keep a fairly strict diet. My job depends on it.

Candace Cameron Bure

Given enough time, polar bears might migrate off the Arctic ice, evolve darker coats, find a different diet, and thrive in a new, warmer climate. But if the ice on which they depend disappears in a few decades, they are likely to die.

Mohsin Hamid

The best diet is the one that can be sustained over the long term, combined with other healthful lifestyle behaviors.

Francis Collins

We always think of a diet with a big groan. But I think diets are fun. I think it is an American pastime for a lot of women.

Mindy Kaling

Once you lose the weight, you're really anxious to eat healthy.

Etta James

I still indulge in a glass of wine or chocolate - treats are mandatory. Without deviating from the day-to-day healthy diet once in a while, it wouldn't be sustainable for me, and that's what I wanted: an approach to eating to last my entire life.

Alanis Morissette

For four to six months at a time, I would barely eat. I lived on a diet of Melba toast, carrots, and black coffee.

Alanis Morissette

Largely in the beginning, I did a lot of extra work because I was lighter than all the other guys. I was at a massive disadvantage, so I had to put on weight. I started with eating. I had to really focus on my diet.

David Robinson

I'm terrible with my workout regime and following it strictly. I'm terrible with a healthy diet and following it strictly. I'm terrible on the weekends about getting up at reasonable hours and all of those things. But, when it comes to my work and the discipline it takes to get to work on time - I hate unprofessionalism.

Katherine Heigl

I would have never wanted to write another management book. There are so many of them, and everybody says the same thing about them, and they are all the same - they give the exact same advice. It's like a diet book; they all say eat less calories, exercise more, and every single book has the same conclusion.

Ben Horowitz

I don't have too strict a diet.

Gretchen Bleiler

I work out hard; that way, I can eat whatever I want. If you have a hard time regulating your diet, pushing yourself at the gym will help you keep the pounds off.

Gretchen Bleiler

You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet.

Mark Hyman

Since having the babies, I realize that 90 percent of losing weight is my diet.

Mariah Carey

I saw Boy George looking amazing, absolutely unbelievable, and messaged him asking for the number of his nutritionist. I got in touch with her, and she put me on this diet plan, working out which foods do and don't suit me. It's not rocket science - basically, don't eat cake, don't eat bread.

James Corden

When you bring telomerase RNA levels down by using a mechanism that targets the RNA for destruction, the cells which were running on very high telomerase levels are now running on a lean diet of telomerase.

Elizabeth Blackburn

I don't think you can name one diet I haven't done.

Trisha Yearwood

I don't do the gym and I don't diet. I'm vegetarian but I don't diet.

Pamela Anderson

You know as far as diet goes, for a while I was really obsessed with counting fat grams along with the rest of the world.

Jean Smart

Going meat-free can make a huge difference. Studies show that vegetarians are, on average, 10 to 20 pounds lighter than meat-eaters and that a vegetarian diet reduces our risk of heart disease by 40 percent and adds seven or more years to our lifespan.

Ingrid Newkirk

Perhaps one of the most important things you can do for human beings is wean them off an animal-based diet. It hardens the arteries and runs up our health-care costs. The last thing a poor person can afford is a heart attack or cancer or a stroke. And that's all linked to a meat-based diet. I think animal liberation is human liberation.

Ingrid Newkirk

Fruit is definitely on the maintenance diet. It's on the lifestyle diet.

Robert Atkins

I weighed 193 pounds and had three chins. I couldn't get up before 9 a.m. and never saw patients before 10. I decided to go on a diet.

Robert Atkins

I have had cardiomyopathy, which is a non-coronary condition and is in no way related to diet.

Robert Atkins

If I like myself at this weight, then this is what I'm going to be. I don't have an eating disorder.

Courteney Cox

I eat a balanced diet.

Chuck Liddell

I basically follow a modified Zone Diet. I have my food prepared weekly and eat 6 times a day.

Chuck Liddell

I got into being vegan because I was simply looking to benefit from being more compassionate. I have since come to learn that it is an animal-based diet that is responsible for the overwhelming majority of cases of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, multiple sclerosis, and all kinds of other problems.


Whether you're on a diet, or you're looking for a go-to one bowl dinner recipe, salads should be thought of as crowd-pleasers, not a dreaded component of a meal.

Marcus Samuelsson

Since the gluten-free diet is not for everyone, it's recommended that you stick with a gluten-free diet for at least 3 weeks first to see if it works for you.

Marcus Samuelsson