2000+ Uniue Quotes & Sayings

I have always loved fashion and feel it's another way to express my creativity. It's art and beauty combined.

Jessie James Decker

I think if you're a good person and spread happiness, good things will come to you!

Jessie James Decker

I love our country so much. And we should all love and respect each other because this is the greatest country in the world. I see the love. I see the unity in all walks of life on a daily basis and It makes me so proud to be an American.

Jessie James Decker

It's okay to be sad if things don't go the way you had hoped.

Jessie James Decker

If you walk into the room, and you're smiling and have a pep in your step, people are going to be drawn to you. If you walk into a room and you're sad and you look insecure, it's bad energy.

Jessie James Decker

For me, I feel like I'm slowly accomplishing what I've always wanted to do. I've always dreamed really big, and my mom planted that in all three of my siblings: 'You guys can do anything.'

Jessie James Decker

I wanted to design clothes to help build confidence.

Jessie James Decker

We're all working together; that's the secret.

Sam Walton

Appreciate everything your associates do for the business.

Sam Walton

The key to success is to get out into the store and listen to what the associates have to say.

Sam Walton

All of us profit from being corrected - if we're corrected in a positive way.

Sam Walton

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.

Sam Walton

High expectations are the key to everything.

Sam Walton

I learned early on that one of the secrets of campus leadership was the simplest thing of all: speak to people coming down the sidewalk before they speak to you. I would always look ahead and speak to the person coming toward me. If I knew them I would call them by name, but even if I didn't I would still speak to them.

Sam Walton

I learned this early on in the variety business: You've got to give folks responsibility, you've got to trust them, and then you've got to check on them.

Sam Walton

Swim upstream. Go the other way. Ignore the conventional wisdom.

Sam Walton

If everybody is doing it one way, there's a good chance you can find your niche by going exactly in the opposite direction.

Sam Walton

Give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same things as rich people.

Sam Walton

If you love your work, you'll be out there every day trying to do it the best you possibly can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you - like a fever.

Sam Walton

Celebrate your successes. Find some humor in your failures.

Sam Walton

Bad faith likes discourse on friendship and loyalty.

Mason Cooley

To confer dignity, forgive. To express contempt, forget.

Mason Cooley

Forgiveness is like faith. You have to keep reviving it.

Mason Cooley

As equality increases, so does the number of people struggling for predominance.

Mason Cooley

Romance is tempestuous. Love is calm.

Mason Cooley

Taste refers to the past, imagination to the future.

Mason Cooley

Human society sustains itself by transforming nature into garbage.

Mason Cooley

The time I kill is killing me.

Mason Cooley

Travelers never think that they are the foreigners.

Mason Cooley

If you call failures experiments, you can put them in your resume and claim them as achievements.

Mason Cooley

The wisdom of age: don't stop walking.

Mason Cooley

At sixty, I know little more about wisdom than I did at thirty, but I know a great deal more about folly.

Mason Cooley

Money is to my social existence what health is to my body.

Mason Cooley

Money: power at its most liquid.

Mason Cooley

Women encourage men to be childish, then scold them.

Mason Cooley

Good parties create a temporary youthfulness.

Mason Cooley

Only the broken-hearted know the truth about love.

Mason Cooley

The lonely become either thoughtful or empty.

Mason Cooley

Living alone makes it harder to find someone to blame.

Mason Cooley

Cure for an obsession: get another one.

Mason Cooley

Even cats grow lonely and anxious.

Mason Cooley

Cats are inquisitive, but hate to admit it.

Mason Cooley

A happy arrangement: many people prefer cats to other people, and many cats prefer people to other cats.

Mason Cooley

Every day begins with an act of courage and hope: getting out of bed.

Mason Cooley

Faith moves mountains, but you have to keep pushing while you are praying.

Mason Cooley

Ultimately, blind faith is the only kind.

Mason Cooley

Humor does not rescue us from unhappiness, but enables us to move back from it a little.

Mason Cooley

Fantasy mirrors desire. Imagination reshapes it.

Mason Cooley

Imagination has rules, but we can only guess what they are.

Mason Cooley

The firmest friendship is based on an identity of likes and dislikes.
