2000+ Uniue Quotes & Sayings

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Dr. Seuss

Only you can control your future.

Dr. Seuss

Step with care and great tact, and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act.

Dr. Seuss

You're in pretty good shape for the shape you are in.

Dr. Seuss

How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?

Dr. Seuss

You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room.

Dr. Seuss

I stay out of politics because if I begin thinking too much about politics, I'll probably... drop writing children's books and become a political cartoonist again.

Dr. Seuss

Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!

Dr. Seuss

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Dr. Seuss

Strength of character may be learned at work, but beauty of character is learned at home.

Henry Drummond

The people who influence you are the people who believe in you.

Henry Drummond

Happiness... consists in giving, and in serving others.

Henry Drummond

There is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving.

Henry Drummond

To love abundantly is to live abundantly, and to love forever is to live forever.

Henry Drummond

You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.

Henry Drummond

Therefore keep in the midst of life. Do not isolate yourself. Be among men and things, and among troubles, and difficulties, and obstacles.

Henry Drummond

My success isn't a result of arrogance - it's a result of belief.

Conor McGregor

My family's lineage, we are warriors. The McGregor clan, we are warriors all through. We are famous all through the world for our fighting capabilities of all generations. So I have no doubt that's stood to me and that led me down this path and gave me what I have.

Conor McGregor

I'm not going to get somewhere and say, 'OK, I'm done.' Success is never final; I'll just keep on going. The same way as failure never being fatal. Just keep going. I'm going to the stars and then past them.

Conor McGregor

Ritual is another word for fear, manifested in a different way.

Conor McGregor

My preparation is about precision. It is a science.

Conor McGregor

That's what I do this for, to secure my family's future. I don't care about anything else. I'm able to spoil people, and that's the best thing.

Conor McGregor

I believe in believing. My coach John Kavanagh is a big atheist, and he is always trying to persuade people to his way of thinking, and I think, 'What a waste of energy.' If people want to believe in this god or that god, that's fine by me; believe away. But I think we can be our own gods. I believe in myself.

Conor McGregor

I love money because I've earned it. I won sixty G's with my first knockout - and the week before, I was collecting social welfare.

Conor McGregor

I am in the fighting game. I don't care about anything else. I don't watch the news, I don't care about politics, I don't care about other sports. I don't care about anything I don't need to care about. This is my sport: it is my life. I study it; I think about it all the time. Nothing else matters.

Conor McGregor

Glutes are power.

Conor McGregor

The thing about the truth is, not a lot of people can handle it.

Conor McGregor

I think it's an Irish thing. We don't really care. We say it as we mean it, and you have to deal with it. The truth is the truth.

Conor McGregor

Trash talk? Smack talk? This is an American term that makes me laugh. I simply speak the truth. I'm an Irish man.

Conor McGregor

I don't feel bitterness, I don't feel anger towards anybody. Fighting is never emotional to me.

Conor McGregor

I see fighters make funny videos about me and stick them on Facebook and get 20 likes. When I make a video, I sell it to Fox and make seven figures. That's the difference.

Conor McGregor

I wish everyone well, but you need to focus on yourself. You need to stop putting your hand out. Everyone wants hand outs. Everyone wants things for free. You've got to put in the work. You've got to grind. You've got go through the struggle, and you've got to get it.

Conor McGregor

I train and I go home, and when I'm home, I think about training. That's my life every day, and that's it.

Conor McGregor

I've read a lot of books on the laws of attraction, and in my home, I have a big book on Muhammad Ali, which I've read because he is, like, a hero of mine, but other than that, no, I'm not a big reader.

Conor McGregor

Life is about growing and improving and getting better.

Conor McGregor

As far as this business of solitary confinement goes, the most important thing for survival is communication with someone, even if it's only a wave or a wink, a tap on the wall, or to have a guy put his thumb up. It makes all the difference.

John McCain

An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.

John McCain

The first pork-barrel bill that crosses my desk, I'm going to veto it and make the authors of those pork-barrel items famous all over America.

John McCain

Every day, people serve their neighbors and our nation in many different ways, from helping a child learn and easing the loneliness of those without a family to defending our freedom overseas. It is in this spirit of dedication to others and to our country that I believe service should be broadly and deeply encouraged.

John McCain

On Putin's order, Russia intervenes in Syria not to fight terrorists but to abet the war crimes of the Assad regime. Russian bombers deliberately target aid workers and hospitals. They threaten Syrian freedom fighters trained by the U.S. They are allied with our enemies in the Middle East and trying to weaken our friendships there.

John McCain

When a president makes life and death decisions, he should draw strength and wisdom from broad and deep experience with the reasons for and the risks of committing our children to our defense. For no matter how many others are involved in the decision, the president is a lonely man in a dark room when the casualty reports come in.

John McCain

I know from personal experience that the abuse of prisoners will produce more bad than good intelligence.

John McCain

We need to listen to the views and respect the collective will of our democratic allies. When we believe that international action is necessary, whether military, economic, or diplomatic, we will try to persuade our friends that we are right. But we, in return, must also be willing to be persuaded by them.

John McCain

I believe in evolution. But I also believe, when I hike the Grand Canyon and see it at sunset, that the hand of God is there also.

John McCain

America's greatest strength has always been its hopeful vision of human progress.

John McCain

I have watched men suffer the anguish of imprisonment, defy appalling human cruelty... break for a moment, then recover inhuman strength to defy their enemies once more.

John McCain

Depriving the oppressed of a beacon of hope could lose us the world we have built and thrived in. It could cost our reputation in history as the nation distinct from all others in our achievements, our identity, and our enduring influence on mankind. Our values are central to all three.

John McCain

I'm not against a border wall, OK, but go to China, and you'll see a border wall there. We need technology, we need drones, we need surveillance capabilities, and we need rapid-reaction capabilities.

John McCain

I think it's important for the president of the United States to be aware of the intelligence information that we have.

John McCain

Putin's Russia is our adversary and moral opposite. It is committed to the destruction of the post-war, rule-based world order built on American leadership and the primacy of our political and economic values.

John McCain