Kate McKinnon's Quotes

I tried for a short time to be something I wasn't, and had no success with it. It's a practical solution to just be yourself.

Kate McKinnon

I have only had positive interactions in relation to my impressions of people, which I'm happy because I do them with love, and I hope that the people who I do them of really like them.

Kate McKinnon

I feel like science and art are cousins.

Kate McKinnon

Getting recognized on the street is fine, but I never really wanted to be famous. I just wanted to have mastered the art of sketch comedy.

Kate McKinnon

You've gotta believe in yourself, and you just have to work harder at it than you've ever worked at anything before in your life. And if you keep doing that and keep believing in yourself, great things do happen.

Kate McKinnon

I love doing impressions of politicians because the task is always to imagine the private lives of these people whose job it is to project an image of staunch, unflinching leadership and grace, and that's just not how human beings, in their heart of hearts, work.

Kate McKinnon

My mom watches really obscure stuff on IFC. She's a real comedy fan. She knows everything that's going on.

Kate McKinnon

I always wanted to live alone for a month in a lakeside cabin. In my fantasy, I enter a state of perfect peace and grow my own kale and stuff, but in real life, I think I might be very bored after four days.

Kate McKinnon

Comedy is a tool of togetherness. It's a way of putting your arm around someone, pointing at something, and saying, 'Isn't it funny that we do that?' It's a way of reaching out.

Kate McKinnon

There was just a lot of comedy on the TV in the house, and my parents are both very funny.

Kate McKinnon

I grew up with a pet iguana named Willy. We had a very contentious relationship. It turns out that iguanas are not meant to live in suburban homes.

Kate McKinnon