David Hockney's Quotes

Listening is a positive act: you have to put yourself out to do it.

David Hockney

Art has to move you and design does not, unless it's a good design for a bus.

David Hockney

The moment you cheat for the sake of beauty, you know you're an artist.

David Hockney

I had always planned to make a large painting of the early spring, when the first leaves are at the bottom of the trees, and they seem to float in space in a wonderful way. But the arrival of spring can't be done in one picture.

David Hockney

What I didn't know was I was deeply attracted to the big space.

David Hockney

I'm interested in all kinds of pictures, however they are made, with cameras, with paint brushes, with computers, with anything.

David Hockney

What an artist is trying to do for people is bring them closer to something, because of course art is about sharing. You wouldn't be an artist unless you wanted to share an experience, a thought.

David Hockney

I was always struck by how Picasso had no interest in music.

David Hockney

To me, the world's rather beautiful if you look at it. Especially nature.

David Hockney

Well you can't teach the poetry, but you can teach the craft.

David Hockney

Being able to draw means being able to put things in believable space. People who don't draw very well can't do that.

David Hockney