Judy Smith's Quotes

The ambition and focus that propel you to success can also be your downfall.

Judy Smith

My theory on an existing crisis is that you have to be very strategic about each case's unique elements. If a crisis involves a legal component, you need a communication strategy that complements the company's legal objective. A strategy for a plea deal is different than a case going to trial.

Judy Smith

A wonderful quality about America is that we love redemption stories. We're quick to lash out and assign blame, but we also draw from deep reservoirs of forgiveness.

Judy Smith

Most of the time, you think the problem is not as big as it is - because it says something negative about you or your company or your leadership. Face the reality: The facts are not as you want them to be.

Judy Smith

Nothing kills a CEO's credibility faster than legal, regulatory, and/or ethical questions.

Judy Smith