G-Dragon's Quotes

I am usually positive and optimistic. If I get stressed or some results are not so good, I let it go by thinking, 'Oh well, it can be better next time.' I don't worry a lot, and I'm not too serious about anything.


I wasn't trying to be famous when I started making music. I mean, that wasn't the first thing I wanted.


Before I was physically there in different countries to meet my fans in person, I didn't really realize how famous I was.


I want to have freedom with everything I do.


If you look at the brands that I like, there are brands I like because of the clothes; then, there are brands I like because of their attitude and mentality.


My mom is in charge of my earnings.


I started out as a child actor. Back then, I didn't have a manager or company, and I couldn't even dream of having a stylist. My mom made and bought the clothes I would wear. I think that was probably when I first got into fashion.


As a musician myself, I wouldn't be confident if I received some other composers' song, because I choose to express myself through the music that I make.


I'm not sure if they do this in the States, but in Korea, until high school, on your graduation diploma there's a line that states your future goal. Kids write 'president' or 'astronaut,' or whatever. I always wrote 'singer.'
