Theo Epstein's Quotes

There are a lot of ways to make a positive impact on the community without necessarily being a politician.

Theo Epstein

Communication is different in the clubhouse than it is in a boardroom. The heartbeat that exists in the clubhouse, you don't find that same type of heartbeat in the front office.

Theo Epstein

Failure is inherent in the game. So if you don't respond well to adversity, you're probably not going to have a long career.

Theo Epstein

There are certainly times when baseball is much more than bread and circus, times when baseball resonates deeply and meaningfully with many, many people, and times when a game that is built around overcoming failure can teach us all a few important lessons.

Theo Epstein

Failure happens to everyone in this game. It's not something worth harping on. What is worth focusing on is how you respond to that failure.

Theo Epstein

When I was writing or competing in individual sports, it felt unfulfilling and lonely. When I was able to find a group of people I believed in and liked, that all worked in pursuit of a common goal, it felt incredibly rewarding.

Theo Epstein

It's a natural push and pull that exists in any sports organization. When you are in a big market and then you win, and you're up against the Yankees, and ratings are what they are and attendance is what it is, no one wants to go backwards; as a business, you don't want to go backwards.

Theo Epstein