Juliette Lewis's Quotes

I'm always fighting the cup-is-half-empty way of being, versus the cup-is-half-full. I'm always fighting the pessimistic versus the positive.

Juliette Lewis

Fame can be just so annoying because people are so critical of you. You can't just say, 'hi'. You say hi and people whisper' man did you see the way she said hi? What an attitude.

Juliette Lewis

I hate dates. It becomes a weird auditioning process. And I've never had normal dating.

Juliette Lewis

The worst thing you can do to a kid is tell them that their dreams are invalid.

Juliette Lewis

I was scared by social media - just scared of what I might attract. Once I broke onto that thing, because I needed it for my band to tell people about shows, I realized, 99 percent of the time, people are funny, clever, inventive, beautiful.

Juliette Lewis

I kind of imagine myself at eighty, a cat lady.

Juliette Lewis

Nobody would know it to look at me, but the movies I liked as a kid were musicals - 'All That Jazz,' 'Hair,' 'Fame,' 'Annie,' all that stuff - that's where my little youthful imagination was.

Juliette Lewis

My dad was lackadaisical on the discipline front. I dropped out of everything at school.

Juliette Lewis

The old footage of my dad, I always knew we were cut from the same cloth, because my dad was such a renegade and always marched to the beat of his own drum. To see where we were both dancing and being silly together, it's too beautiful for words. I was really happy to have that.

Juliette Lewis