Tituss Burgess's Quotes

People have to work to maintain happiness. It's easy to be miserable. It's easy to stay miserable. It's easy to live in a place where nothing's working and not being able to work your way out of it. It's much harder to choose happiness, to choose laughter, to choose a positive.

Tituss Burgess

I feel like communication is the same whether you're cooking for someone or singing or writing a song or writing a play or ordering from McDonald's.

Tituss Burgess

I feel most at home when I'm alone. That's not sad. It's just I feel closest to source and connection when I'm by myself.

Tituss Burgess

When I cook at home, most of the people I cook for want to be in the kitchen while I'm cooking. I love nothing more than someone monitoring how much salt I put into something, how much pepper I add - but nothing that you can offer is going to sway how I decide to deliver information to you; you'll either receive it or you won't.

Tituss Burgess

I feel like I've always had a sordid sense of humor, and it's only gotten more twisted as I've gotten older.

Tituss Burgess