Thundercat's Quotes

I feel like music itself is inspirational enough. Especially with the Internet. Not to sound like a shut-in.


The truth is hip hop has always complemented jazz and vice versa, but there's always been this communication barrier that exists based on music to lyrics.


I've never been called the black sheep. Everybody in my family had something weird about them, like, 'What's wrong with you?!' We all were black sheep.


My family is all musicians - my dad plays drums, my mom plays flute, my older brother plays drums, my little brother plays drums and piano. For some reason, I didn't get the memo, so I just play bass.


My high school teacher, Reggie Andrews, was a huge factor in my learning my instrument. He didn't play bass, but it was the part where he gave me a knowledgeable perspective of what it was that I was doing.


You can find humor in most things, and even terrible things.


I kind of find humor in everything, even to the point where it's awkward - like, the worst scenarios are the funniest things ever.
