Sissy Spacek's Quotes

Our perception of celebrities in Hollywood is not the reality. The reality of our lives is so much like everyone else's life. We have family members we love, everyone gets up in the morning, they have three meals a day and they go about their business.

Sissy Spacek

Just about every town in Texas has a beauty pageant. Ours was called The Dogwood Fiesta. I was in one of those. I played the guitar and sang - and lost.

Sissy Spacek

My roots allow me to let go of the fear of failure.

Sissy Spacek

I've been into exercise my whole life, been a runner and been into health and fitness always.

Sissy Spacek

I'm not Meryl Streep. My God - she's the greatest actor that ever lived. It's sad that ordinary actors like me are compared to her.

Sissy Spacek

I actually never got in a play in school. My teacher said I never learned my lines.

Sissy Spacek

Texas is just so rich with characters. Women who live alone in a little house on a thousand acres with nothing but cattle and a pickup truck. And an airplane.

Sissy Spacek