Debbie Millman's Quotes

Design and branding are inextricably linked to the way in which society, culture, the environment, and business interact.

Debbie Millman

Humans metabolize their purchases very quickly, even if it seemed worth it for any number of reasons when you first bought it. After some time passes, people will go back to feeling the baseline feelings they had previously felt about themselves, no matter how shiny the object, the hair, or the experience.

Debbie Millman

Courage is the birthplace of confidence.

Debbie Millman

If I'd had more courage, I would've pursued a less commercial path. Maybe I would've gone into musical theater.

Debbie Millman

Companies that are design-led understand that design is not a deliverable; it is a profound manifestation of the human spirit.

Debbie Millman

Visual storytelling combines the narrative text of a story with creative elements to augment and enhance the traditional storytelling process. By design, it is a co-creative process resulting in an intimate, interpretive, expressive technique.

Debbie Millman