Ellen Ullman's Quotes
Programming is the art of algorithm design and the craft of debugging errant code.
Ellen UllmanClosed environments dominated the computing world of the 1970s and early '80s. An operating system written for a Hewlett-Packard computer ran only on H.P. computers; I.B.M. controlled its software from chips up to the user interfaces.
Ellen UllmanA computer is a general-purpose machine with which we engage to do some of our deepest thinking and analyzing. This tool brings with it assumptions about structuredness, about defined interfaces being better. Computers abhor error.
Ellen UllmanIntroduced in the 1960s, multitasking is an engineering strategy for making computers more efficient. Human beings are the slowest elements in a system.
Ellen UllmanPeople talk about computer programmers as if computers are our whole lives. That's simply not true.
Ellen UllmanI don't know where anyone ever got the idea that technology, in and of itself, was a savior. Like all human-created 'progress,' computers are problematic, giving and taking away.
Ellen UllmanTo be a programmer is to develop a carefully managed relationship with error. There's no getting around it. You either make your accommodations with failure, or the work will become intolerable.
Ellen UllmanThe biggest problem is that people have stopped being critical about the role of the computer in their lives. These machines went from being feared as Big Brother surrogates to being thought of as metaphors for liberty and individual freedom.
Ellen UllmanHas Google appropriated the word 'search?' If so, I find it sad. Search is a deep human yearning, an ancient trope in the recorded history of human life.
Ellen UllmanWhat I hope is that those with the knowledge of the humanities break into the closed society where code gets written: invade it.
Ellen UllmanSo many people for so many years have promoted technology as the answer to everything. The economy wasn't growing: technology. Poor people: technology. Illness: technology. As if, somehow, technology in and of itself would be a solution. Yet machine values are not always human values.
Ellen UllmanI broke into the ranks of computing in the early 1980s, when women were just starting to poke their shoulder pads through crowds of men. There was no legal protection against 'hostile environments for women.'
Ellen UllmanPeople imagine that programming is logical, a process like fixing a clock. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Ellen UllmanMy approach to being a self-taught programmer was to find out who was smart and who would be helpful, and these were - these are both men and women. And without learning from my co-workers, I never could've gone on in the profession as long as I did.
Ellen UllmanStaring prejudice in the face imposes a cruel discipline: to structure your anger, to achieve a certain dignity, an angry dignity.
Ellen UllmanMultitasking, throughput, efficiency - these are excellent machine concepts, useful in the design of computer systems. But are they principles that nurture human thought and imagination?
Ellen UllmanI think technical people now should learn literature, because literature teaches you a great deal about how - the depths and variety of human imagination.
Ellen Ullman