Jason Momoa's Quotes

My kids are my greatest piece of art.

Jason Momoa

When I'm by myself, I'm really cool and nice to everyone, but then the whole paparazzi thing? If you see me with my kids, I change.

Jason Momoa

As far as getting work, no one thought I spoke English. It was absolutely ridiculous. I'd show up at a meeting and they'd be like, 'Oh my God, you speak English! That's so cool.' They didn't really know what to do with me.

Jason Momoa

If you're in a small town somewhere and you can go and visit Paris, you can go to the top of Everest, that's just cool. It's worth it because you become more educated in something.

Jason Momoa

There's a bunch of stuff I want to learn. Instead of waiting around on set all day, I'd rather be learning something cool.

Jason Momoa

When I went off to college in 1997, I didn't go back and watch 'Conan.' I was out partying and dating women.

Jason Momoa

This is a unique legal loophole in the U.S.: If a non-native comes on a reservation and commits any crime, the non-native should be prosecuted by a federal court. Tribal law can arrest and hold someone for a year, but tribal law cannot prosecute non-natives. So since the federal courts are so overloaded, some of the cases get tossed out.

Jason Momoa

Anyone who spends time on the road knows there's something special about being in the middle of Utah or Nebraska - you sit with it, and there's a peace about it. You can go left or right, and it opens up all kinds of doors. You take your own path.

Jason Momoa

I'm sure all actors have trouble. The guy who always plays the funny guy, he wants to be taken seriously. And there's the action guy who wants to do serious stuff. Everyone's grass is greener.

Jason Momoa

When I did play team sports, I was into soccer and hockey. I loved hockey. And then rock climbing became the thing that got me out of Iowa, and I traveled the world for rock climbing. I really loved the, I guess you would say, dirtbag lifestyle of not eating much and traveling the world and slipping into different cultures and just observing.

Jason Momoa