Avril Lavigne's Quotes

I don't believe war is a way to solve problems. I think it's wrong. I don't have respect for the people that made the decisions to go on with war. I don't have that much respect for Bush. He's about war, I'm not about war - a lot of people aren't about war.

Avril Lavigne

Inspiration for my music just comes from, you know, my life experiences.

Avril Lavigne

Well, a lot of people don't know this about me, but I'm actually shy around people I don't know. I would just say with my first concert, my first tour, I didn't really talk onstage. I was like, 'Thank you, I love you guys,' or whatever. But now I've just kind of learned to work a crowd.

Avril Lavigne

Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life.

Avril Lavigne

I was eating bad stuff. Lots of sugar and carbs, junk food all the time. It makes you very irritated.

Avril Lavigne