Peter Dinklage's Quotes

I was once part of a Christmas cabaret. I sang 'I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.' I tap-danced. I had a ten-gallon hat. It was quite absurd.

Peter Dinklage

What I really want is to play the romantic lead and get the girl.

Peter Dinklage

My mother was an elementary school teacher for 35 years and taught at the Nixon School in New Jersey. I was raised as a very liberal Democrat, and she was protesting Nixon when he was in office.

Peter Dinklage

I think more money can be very detrimental to movies and TV because things get solved economically rather than creatively, and that's never a good solution.

Peter Dinklage

Any swagger is just defense. When you're reminded so much of who you are by people - not a fame thing, but with my size, constantly, growing up - you just either curl up in a corner in the dark or you wear it proudly, like armor or something. You can turn it on its head and use it yourself before anybody else gets a chance.

Peter Dinklage

We, as Americans, at least - I mean, I love my country - but we're so self-righteous sometimes, in terms of, like, our nationality, our country. But we're people from somewhere else; the true 'Americans' are the original peoples. It's funny, but we're a very territorial species.

Peter Dinklage

Sometimes, when the material is really good, you put expectations on yourself to make it the best possible show. You're not just serving up the regular hash and doing your job and going home.

Peter Dinklage

I have a need to always make people laugh. I have a desperate need. I love a great sense of humor. The people I sort of surround myself with have that.

Peter Dinklage

Women respond to comfort and a sense of humor. I was always able to make them laugh, so that helps a lot.

Peter Dinklage