Katherine Dunn's Quotes

Prior to penicillin and medical research, death was an everyday occurrence. It was intimate.

Katherine Dunn

In the United States, female fisticuffs were marginalized, first as erotic vaudeville in the 19th century and later as serious competition developed in the first half of the 20th. Legal wars waged by boxers in the 1960s and '70s won women the right to compete professionally nationwide.

Katherine Dunn

We live with a distinct double standard about male and female aggression. Women's aggression isn't considered real. It isn't dangerous; it's only cute. Or it's always self-defense or otherwise inspired by a man. In the rare case where a woman is seen as genuinely responsible, she is branded a monster - an 'unnatural' woman.

Katherine Dunn

American culture is torn between our long romance with violence and our terror of the devastation wrought by war and crime and environmental havoc.

Katherine Dunn

We came to Portland because there was a good alternative public school. Friends who lived there told me about it, and my son loved it. I left his dad and went to work slinging hash in a breakfast diner and working nights tending bar in a biker tavern.

Katherine Dunn