Charles Best's Quotes
For my 9th birthday, my only wish was to eat like a farmer boy. I had devoured 'The Little House on the Prairie' book series and wanted to be like Almanzo Wilder, the protagonist of 'Farmer Boy,' one of the later installments in the 'Little House' series.
Charles BestWe think the ability to rattle off people you are grateful to and thankful to is often sort of a proxy for openness to learning from others.
Charles BestI was a social studies teacher at a high school in the Bronx for five years.
Charles BestWe've established a free marketplace of teacher ideas and donor interests.
Charles BestPublic school teachers from every corner of America post classroom project requests on Requests range from pencils for a poetry writing unit to violins for a school recital to microscope slides for a biology class.
Charles BestLearning is a critical part of our mission and organizational culture.
Charles BestAmerica's best teachers are always looking for new ways to bring learning to life.
Charles BestDonorsChoose was conceived at a Bronx public high school where I taught social studies for five years. In the teachers' lunch room, my colleagues and I often lamented a problem that drained learning from students and creativity from teachers: a lack of funding for essential materials and for the activities that bring subject matter to life.
Charles BestWe're thrilled to be a part of PNC's longstanding commitment to early childhood learning. Their generosity will help us expand the platform to serve Head Start classrooms nationwide, ensuring that many more pre-K teachers have resources they need to give their students a solid educational foundation.
Charles BestAccess to sports is an important part of a well-rounded education, and it takes committed communities and companies like Dick's to make a real difference in kids' lives.
Charles BestTo take on the jobs of tomorrow, students must become more than good test takers. They need to become makers who design, sketch, build, and prototype. And their classrooms will need more than a chalkboard and a set of textbooks.
Charles Best