Tia Mowry's Quotes

I like to embrace natural beauty. I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep, drinking a lot of water and exercising.

Tia Mowry

How I thrive is very simple. My son brought my perspective back to focusing on and appreciating the simple things in life. It's about just being with my family - whether that's waking up in bed next to my husband under the comforter and just hugging or walking down the street and holding my son's hand.

Tia Mowry

I have these brownies that I make that are just a home run with my family. I make them with almond butter, prune puree, walnuts, cocoa powder and whole-wheat flour, and I like them because they're delicious, but they're also guilt-free.

Tia Mowry

I have goals and aspirations, and I believe that you can go after your dreams, and it can work if you have someone there that's supporting you.

Tia Mowry

Society tends to always make multiples - whether it's twins or triplets or whatever - one person. And it's not always fair. I encourage multiples to embrace their individual uniqueness because, just as you are an amazing unit together, that can only happen when you are strong individually.

Tia Mowry

I think it's something that needs to be said - that there are interracial marriages out there, and the couples live happy lives, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Tia Mowry

Being a mom is hard, but I don't want people to feel like they always have to go straight to the TV dinner or go to the fast food because you have a busy, hectic life.

Tia Mowry

Exploring is one of my favorite things to do, but I don't really want to be in a tour group. I like doing it alone or with whomever I'm traveling with.

Tia Mowry

Having a second chance makes you want to work even harder.

Tia Mowry

I became a vegetarian for about maybe a year. It was more of a little detox for me. I tend to do a lot of detoxes. I was on the Body Ecology Diet before I got pregnant, which I believe is one of the reasons I was able to get pregnant.

Tia Mowry

I have something called endometriosis, and I was told by my gynecologist that I needed to go on a specific diet if I didn't want to have any more surgery.

Tia Mowry

I saw how changing my diet really benefitted my health. After I changed my diet, I was able to get pregnant, and then my eczema went away, and then my migraines went away.

Tia Mowry