Aimee Mullins's Quotes

True beauty is when someone radiates that they like themselves.

Aimee Mullins

Life is about making your own happiness - and living by your own rules.

Aimee Mullins

We all bullet point our triumphs, but I am who I am because of everything you don't see on my CV. The stuff that doesn't work out teaches you how to trust your instincts and adapt.

Aimee Mullins

At some point in every person's life, you will need an assisted medical device - whether it's your glasses, your contacts, or as you age and you have a hip replacement or a knee replacement or a pacemaker. The prosthetic generation is all around us.

Aimee Mullins

The idea of prosthetics is a tool. Most people's cell phones are prosthetics. If you leave your cell phone at home, you feel impacted by not having it. It's an important part of your daily function and what you can do in a day.

Aimee Mullins