Jen Lancaster's Quotes

Beauty pageants, you're only judged once. Sorority rush, you have to go through 20 parties.

Jen Lancaster

I just thank God my husband and I found each other before the advent of social media. I can't imagine dating someone and seeing what they're doing on their Facebook page. And people breaking up with each other over texts now? We had to break up with each other face to face back then.

Jen Lancaster

I realized I couldn't have one foot in the fiction world and one foot in the nonfiction world, which is why 'Here I Go Again' is so not me. I didn't graduate from high school in the '90s, I never listened to metal music, and I don't time travel.

Jen Lancaster

When it comes to matters of pro sports, politics or palate, disparate sides claim their party, team and cola to be superior.

Jen Lancaster

I'm a humor writer, so I don't always present myself in the best light.

Jen Lancaster

Humor's an excellent way to make a point more palatable and/or relatable.

Jen Lancaster