Mike Quigley's Quotes

President Trump's frequent, unfiltered use of his personal Twitter account as a means of official communication is unprecedented. If the President is going to take to social media to make sudden public policy proclamations, we must ensure that these statements are documented and preserved for future reference.

Mike Quigley

Protection of religious freedom means considering the faiths and beliefs of everyone involved.

Mike Quigley

As the father of two daughters, the ongoing struggle for women's equality is very personal for me. That's why it has been an honor during my time in Congress to support women's rights by advocating for reproductive rights, equal pay, access to paid maternity leave and quality child care.

Mike Quigley

Economic inequality is not about food stamps and homeless shelters. It is about being a devotee of social justice and equality.

Mike Quigley

One hundred and fifty years after Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, equality for many Americans remains elusive.

Mike Quigley

Once you've stared death in the face, every day is a good day.

Mike Quigley

Climate change is not just about carbon dioxide levels and melting polar ice caps. It is about our public health and protecting our Earth for future generations.

Mike Quigley

The real cost of corruption in government, whether it is local, state, or federal, is a loss of the public trust.

Mike Quigley

By working together to keep health at the center of our focus, as well as the national conversation, we can create the safe communities we all want and deserve.

Mike Quigley

As the largest contributor to the United Nations and funder of international family planning, the U.S. is in a unique position to continue to lead the global agenda and place reproductive health at its core.

Mike Quigley

Since 1975, violence has been recognized as a public health problem, in large part to former Surgeon Generals Dr. Koop and Dr. Satcher's pioneering efforts to make the health approach a national priority. Since then, we've seen that violence can be curbed - and stopped - if we treat it as we would any other epidemic health concern.

Mike Quigley

Despite its challenges, globalization has led to one of the most peaceful and productive times in world history.

Mike Quigley

Technology has aided in serious advancements so that HIV detection tests now have near-perfect results. And those tests can detect HIV in the blood an average of nine to 11 days post-infection.

Mike Quigley

Despite the intelligence community's assessment that Russia interfered in our presidential election, President Donald Trump and Republican leadership seem wholly uninterested in examining how and why Russia targeted us - and what we must do to prevent it from happening again.

Mike Quigley

Being on the Intelligence Committee made me more of a hawk.

Mike Quigley

I think what we're learning with the Trump Jr. meeting is when you meet with any Russians, you're meeting with Russian intelligence. And, therefore, President Putin.

Mike Quigley

There was a time not too long ago when American seniors were too often forced to go without food, medicine, and quality healthcare. But thanks to transformative programs like Social Security, most seniors in this country are provided the opportunity to live with the stability and peace of mind they have earned and deserve.

Mike Quigley

Too often, advances in civil rights or women's rights are undermined by wrong-headed legislation or weak-kneed political leadership.

Mike Quigley

A Supreme Court ruling is supposed to provide clarity to contentious legal issues, but in the case of reproductive rights, it was just the beginning of a long, heated, and grueling debate.

Mike Quigley

On Capitol Hill and in state houses across the country, anti-women's health politicians continue to make it clear that they will stop at nothing to end access to a safe, legal abortion.

Mike Quigley

While everyone is entitled to a little vacation now and then, America's top legal officers should adhere to basic measures to increase accountability and restore the public's trust in government.

Mike Quigley

Instead of focusing on attacking unions and the labor movement, we need to find ways to strengthen and empower workers so we can put more money in the pockets of middle class families.

Mike Quigley

I taught policy and politics for seven years at a university. I told my students lobbyists are not a bad thing; they're absolutely vital.

Mike Quigley

From bank accounts to financial systems, power grids to air traffic controls - our most critical infrastructure remain attractive cyber targets, and if they are ever compromised, the effects could be devastating.

Mike Quigley

If the U.S. fails to set the rules for global trade, then other countries with records of environmental and labor abuses, like China, will step in to fill the void.

Mike Quigley

When you have a high-volume magazine or an assault weapon, you're not hunting deer or protecting your home; you're out to hunt people.

Mike Quigley