Erin Foster's Quotes

When I did stand-up at U.C.B., and I had a blog for a couple of years that started my writing career, 'Totally Confident and Completely Insecure,' it was the same kind of self-deprecating humor and stories about being out in L.A. and being treated like a loser at a hair salon because you are not famous.

Erin Foster

We're living in a time when the most famous people in the world have no specific skill set and are known for living their lives in front of the world. How strange is that? The appeal makes sense to me - it's like 'The Truman Show,' getting a chance to peak into someone's bedroom or see the way someone fights with their husband.

Erin Foster

You don't get to be in the squad unless you're six feet tall, a supermodel, perfect, famous, and hot. That's like hand selecting perfection, putting it into a group of girls, and saying, 'Look how amazing we are.'

Erin Foster

Anyone who is on the verge of kind of famous but not really relevant is kind of fun to play with.

Erin Foster

With 'Barely Famous', we've tapped into and created something really exciting that we'll always be proud of going forward.

Erin Foster

I've never dated anywhere else, so I only know L.A. dating, and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. I've pulled back and taken the pressure off of myself to figure it out, because there's so much pressure about status that dating has become this game where you pull out all your tricks.

Erin Foster

The Bachelor'... and 'The Bachelorette'... and 'Bachelor in Paradise'... and the 'After the Final Rose ceremony'. I love a competition dating show.

Erin Foster

I have run from a lot of relationships in favor of being alone. And I tend to find men who use their money and status as a dating tool to be unattractive.

Erin Foster

What's important in any working relationship or working with someone in your family is you have to start with a clean slate.

Erin Foster

I love animals. I just don't want to have a pet. That's OK, right? I would take a dog over a cat, at least to interact with you. I feel like cats just stare you down all the time. Cats have, like, bad attitudes.

Erin Foster

Obviously, it's the Lucille Balls of the world who helped make humor accessible to women and in a voice that women related to. I just wanted to continue that.

Erin Foster