Aaron Swartz's Quotes

Computers will be able to do all the mundane tasks in our daily lives.

Aaron Swartz

I was around computers from birth; we had one of the first Macs, which came out shortly before I was born, and my dad ran a company that wrote computer operating systems. I don't think I have any particular technical skills; I just got a really large head start.

Aaron Swartz

Real education is about genuine understanding and the ability to figure things out on your own; not about making sure every 7th grader has memorized all the facts some bureaucrats have put in the 7th grade curriculum.

Aaron Swartz

Being around some of the bright lights of the technology world and having them expect great things helps you sit down and do it seriously.

Aaron Swartz

With the death of bin Laden, it's finally time for Congress to bring back the pre-9-11 legal norm, before we decided it was okay to toss out our civil liberties if the 'bad guys' were scary enough.

Aaron Swartz