Jason Calacanis's Quotes

The future of television is not on television but online. A majority of us are turning to our computers and mobile devices for news and entertainment, Millennials especially.

Jason Calacanis

Supporting American technology companies is one of the most patriotic things you can do - the technology industry is the reason our country has such a high-standard of living and why we can afford to spread the democracy virus around the globe.

Jason Calacanis

While people are quick to praise the wisdom of the crowd, being an old-school journalist, I look at the wisdom of the crowd and know it can quickly turn into a mob mentality.

Jason Calacanis

CNN was crazy to think they could fill 24 hours with news - let alone around the world in 10 to 20 languages. Reuters or AP with a thousand people around the world covering news? Crazy.

Jason Calacanis