Sarah Jessica Parker's Quotes

I never wanted to be a celebrity; I never wanted to be famous. And in my daily life, I work really hard to not trade on it in any way.

Sarah Jessica Parker

One of the things that's great about New York is that it is not a one-industry town. It has education, academia, the service industry, arts, publishing, theater, politics, fashion, finance, as well as movie-making.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Can you really forgive if you can't forget?

Sarah Jessica Parker

I just wasn't one of those girls who dreamt of her wedding day and the birth of her first child.

Sarah Jessica Parker

When men attempt bold gestures, generally it's considered romantic. When women do it, it's often considered desperate or psycho.

Sarah Jessica Parker

And if you are a parent, introduce your children to their neighborhood library. It will give them a real sense of independence to have their own library card and enjoy borrowing books.

Sarah Jessica Parker

I think growing up in a big family taught me a lot of problem solving and how to share and compromise, and that's been helpful in my marriage.

Sarah Jessica Parker

I love Matthew Broderick. Call me crazy, but I love him. We can only be in the marriage we are. We're very devoted to our family and our lives. I love our life. I love that he's the father of my children, and it's because of him that there's this whole other world that I love.

Sarah Jessica Parker

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx... why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?

Sarah Jessica Parker

My job requires me to put on a little dress and run around the streets of New York in heels. But I also had the financial means to hire a yoga teacher to come to my house while my sitter watched the newborn. For 95 percent of the world, that's not realistic.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Men who are too good looking are never good in bed because they never had to be.

Sarah Jessica Parker