Alan Rickman's Quotes

I want to swim in both directions at once. Desire success, court failure.

Alan Rickman

The directors you trust the most are the ones, when you ask them a question, they've got the guts to say, 'I don't know.'

Alan Rickman

I'm still living the life where you get home and open the fridge and there's half a pot of yogurt and a half a can of flat Coca-Cola.

Alan Rickman

I have every sympathy for writers. It's a mystery to me what they do. I can edit. I can cross out and say, 'I'm not saying that' or, 'How about we move this to here? Wouldn't that make that bit of the story better?' But where any of it comes from is beyond me. I will never write a play or a novel.

Alan Rickman

One longs for a director with a sense of imagination.

Alan Rickman