Nick Nolte's Quotes

Asking for forgiveness is just one of the most painful kind of experiences.

Nick Nolte

You have to struggle a bit, hustle a little, and be willing to go bankrupt. Once you're willing to do that, everything opens up and you get the freedom. My joke is that next year, I'll make the first film that costs zero dollars.

Nick Nolte

You're playing a role, but you're still feeling it. You can walk away from it after 'Cut,' but if you're playing a sad or mixed-up person, it's hard to stay in that place for these longish period of times. You kind of have to check out.

Nick Nolte

Ageing's a difficult thing, moving closer to death, but it's okay. I've had a good time living, so I'm gonna have a good time dying.

Nick Nolte

Everyone chases a bit of what they say life is about: money, desire... But when you stop chasing, you realise life is a rhythm and it's very peaceful, very quiet. You see, it's quite a miracle.

Nick Nolte

Birth is violent, and out of that violence is our only chance of rebirth.

Nick Nolte

Living in a small town, one of the keys to survival was your imagination.

Nick Nolte