Tomi Lahren's Quotes

It seems the feminists are all about female freedom of expression so long as the female is overweight or transgender. You can't pick and choose what type of women fit your agenda.

Tomi Lahren

This is the problem with modern-day feminism. It used to be about equality. Now, it's about bashing men, asking for free stuff, and tearing down other women for refusing to play victim to the trumped-up, B.S. 'War on Women.'

Tomi Lahren

In order for me to be hurt by you, I have to respect you. I don't respect these hateful Internet trolls who have nothing better to do than attack my looks or the way I speak.

Tomi Lahren

I can't sit here and be a hypocrite and say I'm for limited government, but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies.

Tomi Lahren

Energy independence is very important to me.

Tomi Lahren

President Obama, under your leadership, we do need guns to keep us safe.

Tomi Lahren