Erwin McManus's Quotes

Religion as a whole specializes in sin management. It's all about organizing humanity in such a way that we cause as little damage as possible.

Erwin McManus

I think Christianity is the same as Buddhism and Hinduism - whenever a religion begins to say that these are the things you have to do to be loved by God, you have a religion.

Erwin McManus

You have a generation that is saying we are tapping out of religion in many ways. But what they are not saying is that we are tapping out of a serious search for meaning in life.

Erwin McManus

If you look at it from just a pure economic basis, technology is replacing all of the jobs robots can do, and machinery is replacing the jobs that humans once held. If we don't train our children to imagine, to create, they're going to be unemployable.

Erwin McManus

So much of what comes out of the faith community seems so dour and somber, and we want to say, 'Hey, we're real people. You can be a person of faith and really enjoy life and laugh.'

Erwin McManus

God has given us an imagination, and our imagination is really the principle tool from which all creativity and artistry comes from.

Erwin McManus