John Fleming's Quotes

We owe our law enforcement officers the highest respect.

John Fleming

I see a bright, bright future for the Republican Party and conservatism in general.

John Fleming

If we're going to change leadership, we need to do it in a very systematic and organized way.

John Fleming

We think our leadership has been too timid to go after corruption, and often times, they bow to the liberal progressive demands of the White House instead of standing up for our values.

John Fleming

If a woman chooses to have an abortion, it is legal to do that in this country, but I don't think taxpayers should be put in a position to have to pay for those abortions.

John Fleming

Uninsured care happens in this country, and here's the problem. It's not properly accounted for. The people who pay for uninsured care at the moment are the hospitals and the doctors and all of the medical providers.

John Fleming