Quavo's Quotes

Atlanta embraced us. We have so much respect for them, and they have respect for us.


History repeats itself. So you might wanna pay attention.


We just feel like history repeats itself. You ain't never going to see nothing brand new; you're only going to see when records are broken. And we're here to just set records and set trends and follow the footsteps that have been shown to us.


I feel like we can learn from each other by us, being the young generation, giving knowledge to the older guys.


We gon' be around for a long time.


We just compare our lifestyle to movies so you can relate to them. When I say, 'I bought a carpet from Aladdin so I could finesse and do magic,' that means I had to get me a new whip or I had to get me something in disguise to work my magic, to finesse, to get out of here.
