Luis Fonsi's Quotes

I've always said that inside of me there is a rocker that wants to come out, but I'm a romantic rocker.

Luis Fonsi

I'm not a social singer. But if one can take a social message via the romantic, that's a strong statement.

Luis Fonsi

In my player, I have a Luis Miguel CD as well as a Brian McKnight CD. I'm known for my very romantic ballads as well as the fun, up-tempo pop songs.

Luis Fonsi

The genre I listen to the most is salsa, so people look at me and see this guy who's done mostly romantic ballads, but there's always been this other side.

Luis Fonsi

I definitely try to be myself and not try to imitate other performers. That's why I got my music degree. I wanted to be prepared and not be a 'product.' I want people to know that I'm not only a singer but a musician as well. I studied guitar, piano, and composition. I believe that it's just about being myself on and off stage.

Luis Fonsi

Just when you think we're living in a little bit of a divided world, music brings us together.

Luis Fonsi

I treat every album as a new beginning, so I'm asking myself, 'What is pop music now? What are people consuming?' and I take these things into effect.

Luis Fonsi