Gavin Creel's Quotes

The most real thing of all, the only thing any of us wants, is to matter to somebody. To feel and share love, even on a friendship level or as deep as a romantic one. Who doesn't want that?

Gavin Creel

I looked at 'Us Weekly' and said, 'I want to be famous.'

Gavin Creel

My mom and dad have always, always, and continue to be the most incredible citizens of the world and most generous in quiet ways, that I strive to do even a fraction of what they do.

Gavin Creel

The funny thing about New York City is that if you hide from her, she's just gonna say, 'Whatever, kid!' and leave you in the dust.

Gavin Creel

Tina Fey writes crazy, off-color, racist, hilarious stuff for '30 Rock,' but it's always funny because you're in this almost two-dimensional world where there's Jenna Maroney and these over-the-top characters. That's the framework.

Gavin Creel

When people smile in your direction when you do something, you tend to continue to do it.

Gavin Creel