Amanda de Cadenet's Quotes

I think that the friendship that women share is so powerful. In fact, there's nothing quite like it. People talk about mother-child bonds, but I would argue that female friendship bond is also in a league unto its own.

Amanda de Cadenet

People know what authentic communication feels like, so having someone else handle your social media/commenting doesn't feel honest to me.

Amanda de Cadenet

I love photography - I fell in love with photography, I think, because it was my own thing, it wasn't something I needed other people's permission to do. So, it was really freeing for me actually to be able to not be a famous person and just to take pictures.

Amanda de Cadenet

At age 14, you are just beginning to work out who you think you are, and being famous is a huge distortion of reality, and it's not healthy for a young person to be considered more special than their peers. So, I would say it hindered my self-esteem but in later years gave me a great perspective that I wouldn't have if I hadn't experienced that.

Amanda de Cadenet

I got sick of being famous. It is not a desirable 'job.'

Amanda de Cadenet

Life is going to happen to you no matter what weight you are, no matter how famous you are, no matter how much money you have in the bank. No one gets a free pass.

Amanda de Cadenet

Freedom is... not to be bound by my wounds. And to be able to eat cake every day.

Amanda de Cadenet

From 12-year-old girls to 70-year-old matriarchs, I know hundreds of women who have some sort of body image issue. This is sad and seriously worrying, but it's true, and it's why I feel some kind of social responsibility to do what I can to show a variety of body types in fashion magazines.

Amanda de Cadenet

In marriage, you sacrifice the adrenaline rush of seeing someone new for the comfort of being with someone who knows everything about you and loves you anyway.

Amanda de Cadenet

I'm really interested in older women, to be honest, because they have lived a life that I've not yet lived. So I really want to learn from them, and I think culturally we tend to dispose of women once they get to a certain age and they don't look a certain way.

Amanda de Cadenet

When I was interviewing Hillary Clinton, I knew when I'd ask her something that she wasn't going to give me the complete truth because she would break eye contact with me.

Amanda de Cadenet

From the ages of 12 to 35 my body, not my mind, was my primary currency. My ideas, my humor, my curiosity - none of those were valued as much as my body, which preceded me into almost every room.

Amanda de Cadenet