Ari Graynor's Quotes

It is mind-boggling to me that there are so few movies about female friendship, considering women make up half the movie-going population.

Ari Graynor

I'm a little quirky, a little offbeat, and I'm certainly not a classic beauty.

Ari Graynor

At 21, my career took a comedic turn when I was cast in a new Broadway play called 'Brooklyn Boy,' by Donald Margulies, which was equal parts funny and sad. I realized that the more seriously I expressed my character's feelings, the funnier the scene became.

Ari Graynor

I played a lot of dress-up in my room. I really liked being alone. I had a lot of friends, but I had an only-child, live-in-my-head personality.

Ari Graynor

You can only really hear the beat of your own drum if you give yourself the space to sit in it.

Ari Graynor

I was a precocious only child, and then I went through a fat, awkward stage for several years, so I learned to fall back on my humor and personality when I was growing up. It's how you survive, so I think it was more of a natural progression for me, developing into comedy.

Ari Graynor

In high school, everyone told me I had a great personality and sense of humor, but I wanted to be the girl who boys liked because she was pretty on top of being funny. I was boy crazy.

Ari Graynor

I prefer situational or character-based humor to gross-out gags and comedic set pieces.

Ari Graynor