Tom Robbins's Quotes

The trickster's function is to break taboos, create mischief, stir things up. In the end, the trickster gives people what they really want, some sort of freedom.

Tom Robbins

Equality is not in regarding different things similarly, equality is in regarding different things differently.

Tom Robbins

The brutal truth is, we're scarcely 'educating' children at all. Even if you overlook the guilt, fear, bigotry, and dangerous anti-intellectual flapdoodle being funneled into young brains by schools on the religious right, what we're doing is training kids to be cogs in the wheels of commerce.

Tom Robbins

Education is for growth and fulfillment.

Tom Robbins

I have always been a romantic, one of those people who believes that a woman in pink circus tights contains all the secrets of the universe.

Tom Robbins

We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.

Tom Robbins

The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplacable being.

Tom Robbins

If little else, the brain is an educational toy.

Tom Robbins

Wit and playfulness represent a desperately serious transcendence of evil. Humor is both a form of wisdom and a means of survival.

Tom Robbins

The harsh truth is, most red-haired men look like blondes who've spoiled from lack of refrigeration. They look like brown-haired men who've been composted out behind the barn. Yet that same pigmentation that on a man can resemble leaf mold or junkyard rust, a woman wears like a tiara of rubies.

Tom Robbins

People write memoirs because they lack the imagination to make things up.

Tom Robbins

The one thing emphasized in any creative writing course is 'write what you know,' and that automatically drives a wooden stake through the heart of imagination. If they really understood the mysterious process of creating fiction, they would say, 'You can write about anything you can imagine.'

Tom Robbins