Aisha Tyler's Quotes

Success is not the absence of failure; it's the persistence through failure.

Aisha Tyler

I can't control what's fair and unfair. I can't control the nature of the business or the nature of society or the nature of the world, but what I can control is how I choose to see the world and what I choose to put back into it.

Aisha Tyler

I feel if you believe in equality, you have to believe in it for everybody. And that's the way I've always lived my life.

Aisha Tyler

The only concept or experience or core belief that I can attribute my other-ness to is that I just started out a weirdo and I stayed a weirdo. And it took me a long time to embrace my outsidership and see it as a strength rather than a weakness.

Aisha Tyler

For someone to say that marriage is only about procreation is a joke. I didn't marry my husband to have children. I married my husband because I love my husband.

Aisha Tyler

Marriage is a mystery, and part of it is just being kind to each other, not being selfish.

Aisha Tyler

You know, it's about getting out there and having a good time. Not about worrying - all these young books for women are like I'm 29 with a closet full of Prada shoes and I can't get a date. Come on.

Aisha Tyler

For a little while, my mom was a school teacher. And I went to the school that she taught.

Aisha Tyler

One of the first movies my dad took me to see was the original 'Road Warrior.' And I was kind of raised on the action movies of that era: 'The Terminator' and 'Die Hard' and, of course, all of the 'Star Wars' movies.

Aisha Tyler

I don't believe in superheroes but I love Batman movies. There's a part of every person that is entertained by the idealistic, the fantastic.

Aisha Tyler

I have this insane and unabated longing for San Francisco. I come up there every chance that I get.

Aisha Tyler

I thought I was gonna be an attorney, so I went to Dartmouth and I was a government major and I minored in environmental policy, and I didn't do anything academically around the arts.

Aisha Tyler

I've always loved video games. I played 'Ms. Pac-man' with my dad, and I Ioved 'Galaga' and 'Tempest' and grew up on the standing arcade games. Even to this day, my dad will call me if he's playing 'Ms. Pac-man' and hold the phone up to the game.

Aisha Tyler

My dad, he was a construction worker. He was a butcher. He was a deep sea fisherman.

Aisha Tyler

I grew up on the back of a motorcycle - my dad didn't have a car until I was a teenager.

Aisha Tyler