Food - Quotes & Sayings

It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.

Lewis Grizzard

I studied to be a chef as a side thing, a little hobby that I enjoyed doing, but I ended up falling madly in love with the food and the lifestyle.


Know you food, know your farmers, and know your kitchen.

Joel Salatin

Good food is healthy food. Food is supposed to sustain you so you can live better, not so you can eat more. Some people eat to live, and some people live to eat.

Yolanda Adams

I like food too much to go on some crazy diet. French fries are my favorite downfall.

Holly Madison

Beware the hobby that eats.

Benjamin Franklin

Eating is so intimate. It's very sensual. When you invite someone to sit at your table and you want to cook for them, you're inviting a person into your life.

Maya Angelou

A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite.

Leo Tolstoy

Sandwiches are wonderful. You don't need a spoon or a plate!

Paul Lynde

It was the Law of the Sea, they said. Civilization ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top.

Hunter S. Thompson

As I see it, fast food outfits have targeted small children with their advertising in a very effective way. You know, it's clowns and kid's toys and bright colors and things like that.

Anthony Bourdain

You can do good work simply staying up all night and eating nothing but junk food, but probably not in the long term.

John Mulaney

For me, the good food starts with good product.

Jean-Georges Vongerichten

Wine and cheese are ageless companions, like aspirin and aches, or June and moon, or good people and noble ventures.

M. F. K. Fisher

There is no doubt that some plant food, such as oatmeal, is more economical than meat, and superior to it in regard to both mechanical and mental performance. Such food, moreover, taxes our digestive organs decidedly less, and, in making us more contented and sociable, produces an amount of good difficult to estimate.

Nikola Tesla

If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... the people who give you their food give you their heart.

Cesar Chavez

I still eat a burger at a counter with ketchup dripping down my face.

Scarlett Johansson

I love food. I'm a big food person. I'm really passionate about eating good food all the time.

Dreama Walker

Appetite, craving for food, is a constant and powerful stimulator of the gastric glands.

Ivan Pavlov

Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water.

W. C. Fields

Too many people just eat to consume calories. Try dining for a change.

John Walters

You know the trait of a crocodile, don't you? It never hunts outside water. It always goes into the water to catch its prey. It never goes in the villages or in the bush looking for food. It strikes at the appropriate time. So a good guerrilla leader strikes at the appropriate time.

Emmerson Mnangagwa

I could talk food all day. I love good food.

Tom Brady

Civilization as it is known today could not have evolved, nor can it survive, without an adequate food supply.

Norman Borlaug

I don't eat fast food, but I can't live without pizza.

Trevor Donovan

There was a kid that used to pick on me... he used to drop my food and beat me up in little corners. Nothing serious, but tease me. I remember knocking his food out of his hand one time when he in the middle of explaining something to his friends, and they all laughed, so I thought that was pretty nice. 'Well, there you go buddy.'

Brendon Urie

Just as food eaten without appetite is a tedious nourishment, so does study without zeal damage the memory by not assimilating what it absorbs.

Leonardo da Vinci

Without sharks, you take away the apex predator of the ocean, and you destroy the entire food chain.

Peter Benchley

All the food we eat, whether Brussels sprouts or pork bellies, has been modified by mankind. Genetic engineering is only one particularly powerful way to do what we have been doing for eleven thousand years.

Michael Specter

I'm reading a lot of different books, but I always think I have to switch it up a little bit. It's like food - everything in moderation, same with my books, same with my reading. You read books that are good for you and you learn a lot of stuff, then you read 'Fifty Shades of Grey,' which is like candy.

Shay Mitchell

I can pick good food, but I can't pick a good man.

Debbie Reynolds

Something I learned when I was very young: with cooking, it doesn't matter where you are; you can always cook. You can end up in small village in Peru where somebody's cooking, take a spoon and taste it, and you might not be too sure what you're eating, but you can taste the soul in the food. That's what is beautiful with food.

Daniel Boulud

If you like good ol' fashion Southern soul food then, yes, I am a good cook! My specialty is chicken dumplings and poke salad.

Dolly Parton

In my opinion, it has never been proven that food even has calories. When I bite into a hamburger, I see pickle and ketchup and bun and meat, but if there's a calorie in there, it must be hidden.

W. Bruce Cameron

Libraries are the ultimate restaurants for brain food. I sleep better knowing there are libraries. I would take a bullet for a librarian.

Simon Van Booy

You can tell alot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans.

Ronald Reagan

Hey, I used to eat at McDonald's: I liked the taste of the food, especially the French fries.

Eric Schlosser

Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.

Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul.

Dorothy Day

Thank you to our farmers for all you do to keep food on our tables.

Elise Stefanik

I live a healthy lifestyle and I crave healthy food. I love porridge - I have bizarre cravings for it. I love it with brown sugar and bananas, and I'm a huge fan of cinnamon - I put cinnamon on everything. I also have a sweet tooth and I don't like to deprive myself. I think everything in moderation is the key.

Jessica Lowndes

The problem is when that fun stuff becomes the habit. And I think that's what's happened in our culture. Fast food has become the everyday meal.

Michelle Obama

I love Chinese food, like steamed dim sum, and I can have noodles morning, noon and night, hot or cold. I like food that's very simple on the digestive system - I tend to keep it light. I love Japanese food too - sushi, sashimi and miso soup.

Shilpa Shetty

Agriculture is now a motorized food industry, the same thing in its essence as the production of corpses in the gas chambers and the extermination camps, the same thing as blockades and the reduction of countries to famine, the same thing as the manufacture of hydrogen bombs.

Martin Heidegger

The Horny Toad in Cave Creek has great food. When I'm in Arizona, I have at least one meal there. I have a daughter who lives out there, and Dee Dee Wood, who was the choreographer on 'Mary Poppins,' lives out there. I still get out there once in a while, but not in the summer.

Dick Van Dyke

He was a bold man that first ate an oyster.

Jonathan Swift

Part of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.

Mark Twain

The simpler the food, the harder it is to prepare it well. You want to truly taste what it is you're eating. So that goes back to the trend of fine ingredients. It's very Japanese: Preparing good ingredients very simply, without distractions from the flavor of the ingredient itself.

Joel Robuchon

Chinese food tries to engage the mind, not just the palate. To provoke the intellect.

Nicole Mones

I never eat in a restaurant that's over a hundred feet off the ground and won't stand still.

Calvin Trillin