Home - Quotes & Sayings

I just want to be there for my husband. I don't ever want him to think that he's not getting everything at home - love, attention, encouragement, a meal. I just want him to feel the best he feels at home. I think that's what a good wife is. Someone who is very attentive to her husband.

Tamera Mowry

There's a magical tie to the land of our home, which the heart cannot break, though the footsteps may roam.

Eliza Cook

Look, have whatever in your collection at home, but everybody needs a little Friday night. And really, that is Chic.

Bernard Edwards

I'm the type who'd be happy not going anywhere as long as I was sure I knew exactly what was happening at the places I wasn't going to. I'm the type who'd like to sit home and watch every party that I'm invited to on a monitor in my bedroom.

Andy Warhol

An oligarchy of race, where the Saxon rules the African, might be endured; but this oligarchy of sex which makes father, brothers, husband, sons, the oligarchs over the mother and sisters, the wife and daughters of every household... carries discord and rebellion into every home of the nation.

Susan B. Anthony

Devotion begins at home, inside your own awareness.

Debbie Ford

Be good to people, be kind to people, show up, read the lines, hit the mark, and go home.

Pierce Brosnan

Palestine is our unforgettable historic home. The very name would be a force of marvelous potency for summoning our people together.

Theodor Herzl

Debt certainly isn't always a bad thing. A mortgage can help you afford a home. Student loans can be a necessity in getting a good job. Both are investments worth making, and both come with fairly low interest rates.

Jean Chatzky

I was teased if I brought my books home. I would take a paper bag to the library and put the books in the bag and bring them home. Not that I was that concerned about them teasing me - because I would hit them in a heartbeat. But I felt a little ashamed, having books.

Walter Dean Myers

The idea of prosthetics is a tool. Most people's cell phones are prosthetics. If you leave your cell phone at home, you feel impacted by not having it. It's an important part of your daily function and what you can do in a day.

Aimee Mullins

I can stand in a crystal stream without another human around me and cast all day long, and if I never catch a single fish, I can come home and still feel like I had a wonderful time. It's the being there that's important.

Norman Schwarzkopf

I hate leaving home. I love what I do, but I'd love to go home every night.

Charlie Watts

Well, look at what people are doing for returned veterans now. The wounded warriors. They're working hard to make the wounded veterans feel that they are loved and welcomed home, unlike Vietnam. It was not a very kind, gentle world then. I think we are kinder and gentler.

Barbara Bush

Analogies, it is true, decide nothing, but they can make one feel more at home.

Sigmund Freud

A vacation home is a wonderful 'extra' as you start building wealth. Remember, though, it's still basically a very large, very expensive toy.

Dave Ramsey

Whether I'm at the office, at home, or on the road, I always have a stack of books I'm looking forward to reading.

Bill Gates

People who have good relationships at home are more effective in the marketplace.

Zig Ziglar

George Carlin's album, 'Class Clown,' came out when I was in high school. I memorized a lot of that album. I'd come home from school, put it on, and listen over and over. I started memorizing it. I don't even know why. I loved it so much I memorized it.

Steven Wright

There is one timeless way of building. It is a thousand years old, and the same today as it has ever been. The great traditional buildings of the past, the villages and tents and temples in which man feels at home, have always been made by people who were very close to the center of this way.

Christopher Alexander

We are spiritual beings whether we want to admit it or not, and inherent in our DNA is a design to return us home - home to our true essence, our greatest self, our limitless self.

Debbie Ford

I've gone very far, far away, but my character keeps me close to home.

Fran Drescher

My only plan every day is to get up and go to work, work hard and come back home. And whatever else needs to happen in my life will come in its own time.

Katrina Kaif

The juvenile sea squirt wanders through the sea searching for a suitable rock or hunk of coral to cling to and make its home for life. For this task, it has a rudimentary nervous system. When it finds its spot and takes root, it doesn't need its brain anymore so it eats it!

Daniel Dennett

So far, Vancouver is my favorite relocation city. It feels like home. Parts of it remind me of the east coast. It's very clean. The food is great. And the people are lovely. Not that I didn't love working in other glamorous locations like Downey, Detroit, Cleveland or Bulgaria... but, damn, it is fun to be Canadian.

Rachel Nichols

I don't even know how it is to have a home. I feel like an orphan or something.

Fred Korematsu

I still think buying a home is the best investment any individual can make.

John Paulson

People come home from work, and they just want to unwind.

Alan Schaaf

The instruction we find in books is like fire. We fetch it from our neighbours, kindle it at home, communicate it to others, and it becomes the property of all.


Providing - that's not love. Being there - that's more important. I mean, we see that. We see that with all these rich socialites. They're crying out for attention; they're hurting for love. I'm not being judgmental - I'm just making an observation. They're crying out for the love that maybe they didn't get at home, and they got everything.


I feel most at home in the water. I disappear. That's where I belong.

Michael Phelps

The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.

James Madison

My dinners at home are startlingly simple. Every night, I stop at the market near my hotel and pick up a steak, lamb chops or some liver, which I broil in the electric oven in my room. I usually eat four or five raw carrots with my meat, and that is all. I must be part rabbit; I never get bored with raw carrots.

Marilyn Monroe

If you got a good imagination, a lot of confidence and you kind of know what you are saying, then you might be able to do it. I know a lot of colorful characters at home that would make great actors.

Jason Statham

When I was a kid, I would come home from school, throw my bag, go out to play. My daughter comes home from school, throws her bag, goes to play, but sitting in front of the computer because their definition of play has changed. They don't go out to play. They play on the computer with their friends.

Indra Nooyi

I like to feel the butterflies in the stomach, I like to go home and have a restless night and wonder how I'm going to be able to accomplish this feat, get jittery. That hunger and those butterflies in the stomach are very essential for all creative people.

Amitabh Bachchan

Like after a nice walk when you have seen many lovely sights you decide to go home, after a while I decided it was time to go home, let us put the cubes back in order. And it was at that moment that I came face to face with the Big Challenge: What is the way home?

Erno Rubik

At home I am a nice guy: but I don't want the world to know. Humble people, I've found, don't get very far.

Muhammad Ali

I'm still living the life where you get home and open the fridge and there's half a pot of yogurt and a half a can of flat Coca-Cola.

Alan Rickman

One time, when I was in my teens, jamming in a Kansas City club, I was doing all right until I tried doing double tempo on 'Body and Soul.' Everybody fell out laughing. I went home and cried and didn't want to play again for three months.

Charlie Parker

It's nice when I have days off to go home and relax and literally take the weight off my shoulders and enjoy the simple things.

Seth Rollins

Charity should begin at home, but should not stay there.

Phillips Brooks

A lot of my childhood memories involve walking home in floods of tears. At that age, feeling unpopular is difficult to handle.

Rachel Stevens

Maybe I should just go home and ride my tractor.

Chuck Grassley

When I am back home, I have an upright piano and I play constantly.


America owed its military renaissance in the 1980s and 1990s to Vietnam. Veterans like Norman Schwartzkopf, Colin Powell, Alfred Grey, Charles Krulak, and Wesley Clark returned home angry and ashamed at their defeat and rebuilt all-volunteer, professional armed forces from the ground up.

Michael Ignatieff

I feel I'm most beautiful when I have less makeup on and I'm at home with people surrounding me that support me, and I know they will never judge me or try to change me.

Normani Kordei

What makes me really happy is a walk in the English countryside. A nice sunset, that British countryside - it means I'm home.

Natalie Dormer

Sometimes I can't think of a better way to end my day than coming home and just strumming my ukulele for a few minutes. I mean, I joke around and tell people that it's an entire yoga session in one strum, you know?

Jake Shimabukuro

I have a deep affinity for New Orleans - its like a second home to me - they treat me like I'm their own.

Teena Marie